....finally a strange, wonderful fact occurred: inside a camera viewfinder, where time, places, emotions, feelings and reason kneaded together, the non-place came back to be a world full of meanings, a unique world with its connotation, and for those who have always lived here, unrepeatable.
Foreword by UGO GILETTA
l....finally a strange, wonderful fact occurred: inside a camera viewfinder, where time, places, emotions, feelings and reason kneaded together, the non-place came back to be a world full of meanings, a unique world with its connotation, and for those who have always lived here, unrepeatable.
Viano GiuseppeGiuseppe Viano è nato nel 1969 a Saluzzo, dove vive e lavora. è sposato con Chiara, con cui cerca di domare Giovanni, calciatore undicenne, e Carlotta, un petardo di sei anni sempre acceso. |